Farm To Heart - Planting Seeds of Joy and Alignment in Business and Life

Celebrating the Journey: a sneak peek into the Podcast

Sara Episode 0

In this sneak peak episode of the Farm to Heart Podcast you will hear a little big more about the WHY behind the podcast and what you can expect in upcoming episodes. 
We're not just talking about entrepreneurship, but also a deeper sense of purpose, growth and alignment in life. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a newcomer, or someone just seeking more purpose-driven creativity, there's something for you here. We'll be sharing not only our personal insights but also incredible stories from our guests. This isn't a one-way street, though. We want to hear from YOU - your experiences, your stories, and your desires for future episodes as well. This isn't just a podcast; it's a conversation, a journey together. So join us as we embark on this exciting journey of discovery, growth, and purpose. Let's make this journey unforgettable, together.

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and follow the farm @sweetfreedomfarmco
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Speaker 0:

Hello, you are here. You have made it to the Farm to Heart podcast, and I am so grateful for that. I know you have so many options of what you can be listening to, so it truly means so much to me that you are making this little dream of mine come true just by choosing to listen from wherever you are listening from. I just wanted to pop in really quick and just give you kind of an overview and the why behind this podcast. This podcast is really intended to just bring inspiration and joy to the listeners, whether you are a new entrepreneur, whether you've been an entrepreneur for many, many years, whether you haven't even considered being an entrepreneur, but you're just kind of looking for more purpose-driven creativity and alignment in your life, whatever your story is.

Speaker 0:

I don't think it's an accident that you were listening to this right now, and the episodes are going to be both solo episodes but also a lot of guest episodes as well, and we're going to be talking about anything from a burnout that turns into a breakthrough or a big pivot in your life, whether it's business related or life related. It's okay to switch directions and go do something totally new, and we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about following and pursuing the dreams on our hearts, because those dreams, I truly believe, were created for us and we, in turn, were created for them. So it's just a matter of getting out of our own head and out of our own way and really going after those dreams and then also just fully living into the purpose of who we were created to be and talking about that and what that looks like for your life and how that fits into alignment with your life. I also want to talk about the journey and the importance of the journey and how it's not always about the end destination, but it can be mostly about the journey and we can learn so much just from the process of getting where we want to go.

Speaker 0:

I'm so excited for this podcast, I'm so excited to hear from the listeners and I want to get to know all of you. Feel free to email me or message me on Instagram and about anything that touches you or that you want to hear on future episodes, and I just can't wait to get this thing going and hopefully it'll be a great impact on people's lives. Thank you so much.